Medical Expert Witness Services

Nurse Life Care Planner

As a Nurse Life Care Planner and medical expert witness I create long-term care plans for patients who need medical care for the rest of their lives due to a serious injury or chronic illness.

Life Care Planning

I create life care plans which project an individual’s future medical and supportive care needs. “The life care plan is a dynamic document based upon published standards of practice, comprehensive assessment, data analysis, and research, which provides an organized, concise plan for current and future needs with associated costs for individuals who have experienced catastrophic injury or have chronic health care needs.”

(International Conference on Life Care Planning and the International Academy of Life Care Planners. (Adopted 1998, April). Definition of Life Care Planning. Presented at the Forensics Section meeting of the NARPPS [now known as the International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals] Annual Conference, Colorado Springs, Colorado.)

Deposition and Trial Testimony

It is my pleasure to testify in deposition and trial. It is essential for a life care planner to be a great communicator. My goal is to provide the jury with the information they need to make a reasonable award to cover the cost of future medical and supportive care. I believe a jury will make a reasonable award when the jurors understand how the injury has affected the client and how the items in the plan will make the injured person’s life less difficult.

Medical-legal consultant

As a nurse and former medical malpractice attorney I can share with you my experience with the standard of care, witness preparation and literature review. I have an uncommon understanding of injuries, for two years, I exclusively represented an non-invasive spine surgeon. I enjoy finding, and vetting expert witnesses and ensuring they come to court prepared.

Medical Expert Witness Services - Nurse Certified Life Care Planner

Disability Application Preparation

I assist the applicant in providing a complete presentation of their claim for disability benefits and I have a track record of success. I help the client thoroughly communicate their disability with the intention of being understood.

Medical Record Chronologies

I create a Medical Record Chronology to make the history clear and accessible. Clarity requires analysis to anticipate what is important to those who will refer to the document. An effective Medical Record Chronology is concise. I believe, as Shakespeare said, “Brevity is the soul of wit.”

Nationwide Service

I provide medical expert services as a Certified Life Care Planner in Broward, Palm Beach County Florida and across the United States